19. Infiniband (IB) network on the nodes

We have node03 - node09 connected to FDR10 infiniband switch. The nodes now can be interconnected at substantially higher speed.

We’ll use the 192.168.7.x subnet. The last digit should match your node number.

The hostnames associated with the IP addresses go as node03ib, node04ib, …, node09ib.

This doesn’t apply to the LXC containers since they are not connected to IB.

19.1. Manual IB network setup on the nodes

The procedure below should be done on the nodes only.

Install IB related deb packages:

sudo apt install infiniband-diags ibutils

Install useful network tools:

sudo apt install net-tools iperf

Check if the IB interface is seen by the operating system:

sudo ibstat

You should see the output similar to below:

output from ibstat:

CA 'mlx4_0'
    CA type: MT4099
    Number of ports: 1
    Firmware version: 2.42.5000
    Hardware version: 1
    Node GUID: 0x506b4b03007f8120
    System image GUID: 0x506b4b03007f8123
    Port 1:
        State: Active
        Physical state: LinkUp
        Rate: 40 (FDR10)
        Base lid: 34
        LMC: 0
        SM lid: 1
        Capability mask: 0x02514868
        Port GUID: 0x506b4b03007f8121
        Link layer: InfiniBand

To configure a new network interface for IB, add the following block in the bottom of your /etc/network/interfaces file. Make sure to change IP address for the correct one. The last digit should match your node number.


auto ibp2s0
iface ibp2s0 inet static
  pre-up echo connected > /sys/class/net/ibp2s0/mode

Load the kernel module for IP over IB:

modprobe ib_ipoib

Enable the new interface, ibp2s0:

ifup ibp2s0

Check if the interface got the assigned IP address:

ifconfig ibp2s0

or similarly:

ip addr show dev ibp2s0

It should show the IP address you assigned in /etc/network/interfaces file.

19.2. IB network setup on the nodes by using Ansible playbook

Below is the playbook, IB_add.yml, to accomplish the same tasks. Use it in case you rebuild the node and need quick IB deployment.

- name: enable IB network interface
  hosts: ceph_nodes

    IP: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"


    - name: Install IB packages
          - infiniband-diags
          - ibutils

    - name: Install network tools
          - net-tools
          - iperf

    - name: Define IB ip address for the host. Its on 192.168.7. network
        IBip: "{{ IP.split('.')[0] }}.{{ IP.split('.')[1] }}.7.{{ IP.split('.')[3] }}"

    - name: modify /etc/network/interfaces
        path: /etc/network/interfaces
        block: |
          auto ibp2s0
            iface ibp2s0 inet static
            address {{ IBip }}
            pre-up echo connected > /sys/class/net/ibp2s0/mode

    - name: load IP over IB kernel module
      ansible.builtin.command: modprobe ib_ipoib

    - name: bring up the IB interface
      ansible.builtin.command: ifup ibp2s0

To deploy the IB on the nodes, run command

ansible-playbook IB_add.yml

19.3. Check the speed of the IP over IB network

On one of the nodes, for example node07, run iperf in the server mode:

sudo iperf -s

On the other node, for example node08, connect to the first node with iperf -c by using the IB ip address or name:

iperf -c node07ib


iperf -c

You should see about 20 Gbits/sec speed.

Run the same iperf -c command on the default hostname to compare the performance of the 1 Gbit interface:

iperf -c node07

This should show about 940 Mbits/sec.

19.4. The IB network for Ceph benchmarks

You can replace both the public and the cluster network on the ceph nodes with the IB network,, on the nodes and run benchmarks with the python scripts. Keep in mind that the LXC can’t use IB.