18. Adding cluster network to your Ceph nodes

The cluster network is needed to rebalance the placement groups of data objects between the OSDs across the nodes.

18.1. Enable the second network interface on the nodes.

We need to add the configuration for eno2 in file /etc/network/interfaces.

It is easeir to do by using Ansible. Run the procedures below on your lxsans container.

Add a new host group into your inventory file, hosts.ini, for example:



These are the nodes we’ll be playing the NIC configuration tasks in the new playbook, second_nic.yml:

- name: enable 2nd network interface
  hosts: nic_nodes

    - name:
        path: /etc/network/interfaces
        block: |
          auto eno2
          iface eno2 inet dhcp

    - name:
      ansible.builtin.command: ifup eno2

Make sure you can ssh to the both nodes and run sudo without password. Otherwise, set passwordless ssh and sudo like in #15.

Run the playbook:

ansible-playbook second_nic.yml

Check if you can ping the nodes by their second hostname, for example:

ping -c3 node10s
ping -c3 node11s

If they respond, you should be able to add the cluster network to the nodes.

18.2. Add the cluster network in the configuration.

In your /etc/ceph/ceph.conf on the both nodes, add the line below after the public_network line:

add in /etc/ceph/ceph.conf:

cluster_network =

Restart the OSD daemons on the both nodes.

For example, on the first node:

sudo systemctl restart ceph-osd@0.service
sudo systemctl restart ceph-osd@1.service
sudo systemctl restart ceph-osd@2.service

On the second node:

sudo systemctl restart ceph-osd@3.service
sudo systemctl restart ceph-osd@4.service
sudo systemctl restart ceph-osd@5.service

Check the cluster status:

ceph -s

18.3. Check OSD communication between the nodes.

On the first node, for example node11, run command lsof to check incoming connections from the second node storage IP address. For example, on node10s

lsof -i TCP@node10s

It shows the following:

lsof output:

ceph-osd 35026 ceph   73u  IPv4  44286      0t0  TCP node11s:6802->node10s:53906 (ESTABLISHED)
ceph-osd 35026 ceph   74u  IPv4  44289      0t0  TCP node11s:57842->node10s:6802 (ESTABLISHED)
ceph-osd 35026 ceph   76u  IPv4  38349      0t0  TCP node11s:33274->node10s:6800 (ESTABLISHED)
ceph-osd 35463 ceph   73u  IPv4  83319      0t0  TCP node11s:6806->node10s:47796 (ESTABLISHED)
ceph-osd 35463 ceph   74u  IPv4  83322      0t0  TCP node11s:57832->node10s:6802 (ESTABLISHED)
ceph-osd 35463 ceph   76u  IPv4  81719      0t0  TCP node11s:33270->node10s:6800 (ESTABLISHED)
ceph-osd 35936 ceph   72u  IPv4  79181      0t0  TCP node11s:6810->node10s:55978 (ESTABLISHED)
ceph-osd 35936 ceph   74u  IPv4  79187      0t0  TCP node11s:33266->node10s:6800 (ESTABLISHED)
ceph-osd 35936 ceph   75u  IPv4  18399      0t0  TCP node11s:57828->node10s:6802 (ESTABLISHED)

Btw, node10s has IP address on the cluster network,

Let’s find out what applications use some of the ports on node10s.

On node10, install package net-tools

sudo apt install net-tools

For example, check what application owns port tcp/55978 on node11.

sudo netstat -nalp | grep 55978

It shows ceph-osd:

netstat output:

tcp        0      0       ESTABLISHED 7869/ceph-osd

The network communication between OSDs goes on the cluster network,