9. Python scripting in Linux

  • Jupyter notebook installation

  • Python libraries for interaction with Linux

  • Multiple account creation example

  • Sftp file transfer with python

9.1. Python programming environment: Jupyter notebook (Exercise)

Install python3-pip on your desktop:

sudo apt install python3-pip

Install Jupyter notebook on your desktop as user hostadm:

pip3 install notebook

Add the PATH environment variable in the bottom of .bashrc file in your home directory:


export PATH=$PATH:/home/hostadm/.local/bin

Source the .bashrc by running command:

source .bashrc

Assign the password to jupyter notes by running command:

jupyter notebook password

Create directory for python projects, and step into the directory:

mkdir Python
cd Python

Start jupyter notes by command below:

jupyter notebook &

Access jupyter notebook through the browser on your virtual desktop by navigating to URL below:



Start a new python3 project in the jupyter notebook.

9.2. Interaction with operating system

There are various python standard libraries utilized for interaction with the Linux environment, file systems, and processes.

We review only a few most commonly used:

  • os — Miscellaneous operating system interfaces

  • sys — System-specific parameters and functions

  • subprocess — Subprocess management

9.3. os — Miscellaneous operating system interfaces (Exercise)

In your Jupyter notebook, copy and paste the python code from the cell below:

#Current working directory
import os

Press <shift>-<Enter> keys to execute the script in the jupyter cell.

Try the following in the new cell:

#Change the directory

Press <shift>-<Enter> keys to execute the script in the jupyter cell.

Try listing the files and directories in /etc:

# see the list of files and directories

Press <shift>-<Enter> keys to execute the script in the jupyter cell.

Check if file hosts exists:


Press <shift>-<Enter> keys to execute the script in the jupyter cell. Check if file no_hosts exists:


Press <shift>-<Enter> keys to execute the script in the jupyter cell.

Get the file system statistics on a file


Press <shift>-<Enter> keys to execute the script in the jupyter cell.

Get the directory path separator:


Press <shift>-<Enter> keys to execute the script in the jupyter cell.

Generate the file names in a directory tree by walking the tree either top-down or bottom-up.

for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top):
    path = dirpath.split(os.sep)

Press <shift>-<Enter> keys to execute the script in the jupyter cell.

Derive the directory path from a full path:


Press <shift>-<Enter> keys to execute the script in the jupyter cell.

Create, rename, and remove directories:


Execute a system command without controlling the stdout and stderr:

os.system('cd /etc; pwd')

Press <shift>-<Enter> keys to execute the script in the jupyter cell.

The output number is the last command error code.

9.4. Calling Linux commands from Python (Exercise)

The subprocess module allows you to spawn new processes, connect to their input/output/error pipes, and obtain their return codes. Example of class call

# Create directory DIR1 and check the disk usage in the directory
import subprocess
s=subprocess.run("mkdir DIR1; du -sh DIR1", shell=True)

Press <shift>-<Enter> keys to execute the script in the jupyter cell.

For full control of the standard input and the standart output to the command, we use class Popen:

import subprocess
s=subprocess.Popen("du -sh /etc", shell=True, 
stdout_value,stderr_value = s.communicate()

print("std output=", stdout_value) 
print("std error=", stderr_value) 

Press <shift>-<Enter> keys to execute the script in the jupyter cell.

9.5. sys — System-specific parameters and functions (Exercise)

Identify the OS platform within Python:

import sys

Press <shift>-<Enter> keys to execute the script in the jupyter cell.

Example how it can be used:

if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
    # Linux-specific code here...
    print('we are working in Linux environment')
    print('different OS')

Get the current PYTHONPATH:

import sys

Press <shift>-<Enter> keys to execute the script in the jupyter cell.

9.6. Scripts runnable from command line (Exercise)

The above scripts can be placed in a file, for example call.py:


# see the list of files and directories
import os

Make the file executable:

chmod a+x call.py

Run the script:


9.7. Creating multiple user accounts with python (Exercise)

In directory Python, create a new file, users.txt, with editor nano:


mike 2000
jerry 2001
sam 2003
mary 2004

In jupyter notebook, run the following script:

import os

def user_cmd(user, uid, group, hdir):
    s = f'useradd -m -d {hdir}/{user} -s /bin/bash -u {uid} -g {group} {user}'
    return s
HDIR = '/NFS/home'

f = open('users.txt','r')

account = {}
for line in f:
    key, value = line.rstrip().split()
    account[key] = value


for keys in account:
    grp_cmd = f'groupadd -g {account[keys]} {keys}'
    comm = user_cmd(keys, account[keys], gengroup, HDIR)

Press <shift>-<Enter> keys to execute the script in the jupyter cell.

Function print() above is a placeholder for function os.system() that would create accounts.

9.8. Transferring files with pysftp (Exercise)

On your desktop install pysftp:

pip3 install pysftp

Start scripts VM and find out its IP address:

virsh start scripts
virsh domifaddr scripts

For example, IP is

ssh to the VM to accept the public host key, and disconnect.


In jupyter notebook, run the following script to upload users.txt onto scripts VM. Put the correct credentials into username and password:

import pysftp
with pysftp.Connection('', username='...', password='...') as sftp:

Press <shift>-<Enter> keys to execute the script in the jupyter cell.

9.9. References

Python standard library