13. Project. Part 2: mounting file systems on Warewulf node.

The NFS exported /home is mounted on the warewulf node per the default configuration settings in warewulf.conf.

13.1. Mounting additional NFS directory.

Directory /opt is also exported from wwctX container host, but not mounted on the warewulf node by default.

To mount it, do the following:

Edit file /usr/local/etc/warewulf/warewulf.conf on the wwctX host.

In the nfs: block, set mount: true for the both /home abnd /opt:

      enabled: true
      export paths:
      - path: /home
        export options: rw,sync
        mount options: defaults
        mount: true
      - path: /opt
        export options: ro,sync,no_root_squash
        mount options: defaults
        mount: true
      systemd name: nfs-server

Rebuild the overlay:

wwctl overlay build

Reboot the warewulf node:

ssh node08
sudo reboot

SSH to the node after it boots up and run command:

ssh node08
df -h

You should see the /opt mounted.

13.2. Mounting a local disk as /scratch.

Enter the shell in the warewulf container:

wwctl container shell warewulf-debian:12.0

Install packages gdisk and ignition:

apt install gdisk ignition

Exit the container:


Add disk /dev/sda and mounting point /scratch in the node configuration. Please use your node name instead of node08 below:

wwctl node set node08 \
--diskname /dev/sda --diskwipe \
--partname scratch --partcreate --fsname scratch \
--fsformat ext4 --fspath /scratch --fswipe

Rebuild the overlay:

wwctl overlay build

Reboot the node.

ssh node08
sudo reboot

Check the mounted file systems after the node boots up:

ssh node08
df -h

You should see /dev/sda1 mounted on /scratch

13.3. Building our own container for warewulf.

We first deployed the warewulf installation image file based on a container downloaded from github.

Now we are going to build a container on our system.

On wwctX host, install package podman:

sudo apt install podman

Download warewulf container configurations:

cd ~/git
git clone https://github.com/warewulf/warewulf-node-images.git

Let’s build podman container and name it debian_local:

sudo podman build -f  git/warewulf-node-images/debian/Containerfile --tag debian_local

Check what containers podman can see:

sudo podman images

Export localhost/debian_local into tar file debian_local.tar:

sudo podman save localhost/debian_local -o debian_local.tar

Import the tar file into a warewulf container:

sudo wwctl container import file:///home/hostadm/debian_local.tar debian_local

Check what containers warewulf sees:

wwctl container list

Login to the container, install packages nano, sudo, and less:

sudo wwctl container shell debian_local
apt install nano sudo less

Assign the new container, debian_local, to your node. For example, for node08, it runs as follows:

sudo wwctl node set node08 --container debian_local

Check if the node configuration has the new container listed:

wwctl node list node08 -a

Rebuild the overlay:

sudo wwctl overlay build

Reboot the node.

ssh node08
sudo reboot

SSH to the node, and see if it has the newer kernel running:

uname -a