12. Project. Part 1: Warewulf 4 installation.

The installations below should be done in your new container, wwct0x, which has sufficient disk space for the software we need to install.

We’ll compile warewulf from source, written Golang (GO) programming language.

12.1. First, we need to install the recent version of Golang, 1.20.

Golang 1.20 is available via apt from the packports repository.

Edit file /etc/apt/sources.list and add the line below in the bottom of the file:

    deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-backports main contrib

Run command to update apt caches:

apt update

Install prerequisite packages:

apt install curl unzip make liblzma-dev
apt install tftp-server
apt install nfs-common
apt install nfs-kernel-server
apt install isc-dhcp-server

Install Golang 1.20:

apt install golang-1.20 golang-1.20-go

12.2. Download warewulf source.

Install GIT:

apt install git

Fetch warewulf source from the git repository. Do the procedures below as user hostadm:

mkdir git
cd git
git clone https://github.com/hpcng/warewulf.git
cd  warewulf

See available branches in the git repository:

git branch -r

Checkout 4.5.x branch:

git checkout origin/v4.5.x

12.3. Compile and install warewulf.

Set the PATH environment variable for the Golang compiler:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/go-1.20/bin

Compile the source:


Install the binaries in /usr/local:

sudo make install

Install the arm64 support in gcc compiler:

sudo apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu

Build iPXE loader:

sudo bash scripts/build-ipxe.sh

Make the 3 iPXE files are in directory /usr/local/share/ipxe:

ls /usr/local/share/ipxe

We should see the following files: bin-arm64-efi-snponly.efi  bin-x86_64-efi-snponly.efi  bin-x86_64-pcbios-undionly.kpxe

12.4. Settings for TFTP server.

Edit file /etc/default/tftpd-hpa to make the content as follows:

file content

TFTP_OPTIONS="--secure -vvv"

12.5. Configure DHCP server settings.

Edit file /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server to specify the network interface, eth0, for the DHCP traffic, and disable ipv6:



12.6. Configure warwwulf.

Edit file /usr/local/etc/warewulf/warewulf.conf and modify the entries for ipaddr, netmask, network, range start, range end, dhcp systemd name, tftp systemd name.

For the ipaddr, put the IP address of your current container.

For the range start and range end, put the IP address of your node.

Anything else should look as below:

  port: 9873
  secure: false
  update interval: 60
  autobuild overlays: true
  host overlay: true
  syslog: false
  datastore: /usr/local/share
  grubboot: false
  enabled: true
  template: default
  range start:
  range end:
  systemd name: isc-dhcp-server
  enabled: true
  tftproot: /var/lib/tftpboot
  systemd name: tftpd-hpa
    "00:00": bin-x86_64-pcbios-undionly.kpxe
    "00:07": bin-x86_64-efi-snponly.efi
    "00:09": bin-x86_64-efi-snponly.efi
    "00:0B": bin-arm64-efi-snponly.efi
  enabled: true
  export paths:
  - path: /home
    export options: rw,sync
    mount options: defaults
    mount: true
  - path: /opt
    export options: ro,sync,no_root_squash
    mount options: defaults
    mount: false
  systemd name: nfs-server
  key types:
  - rsa
  - dsa
  - ecdsa
  - ed25519
container mounts:
- source: /etc/resolv.conf
  dest: /etc/resolv.conf
  readonly: true
  bindir: /usr/local/bin
  sysconfdir: /usr/local/etc
  localstatedir: /usr/local/var
  ipxesource: /usr/local/share/ipxe
  srvdir: /usr/local/srv
  firewallddir: /usr/lib/firewalld/services
  systemddir: /usr/lib/systemd/system
  wwoverlaydir: /usr/local/var/warewulf/overlays
  wwchrootdir: /usr/local/var/warewulf/chroots
  wwprovisiondir: /usr/local/var/warewulf/provision
  wwclientdir: /warewulf

Configure warewulf by running the command blow.

wwctl configure --all

Make sure it completes without errors. Otherwise troubleshoot the settings.

Enable and start service warewulfd:

systemctl enable --now warewulfd

See. if it is running:

wwctl server status

Command wwctl should run as root.

12.7. Modify DHCP server settings

Edit file /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf, and change the bottom of the file to disable the dynamic range, and serve the IP address to your node. The example below is for node08. Change the settings for your node.

#    range;

dhcpd.conf bottom

   host node08 {
     hardware ethernet 0c:c4:7a:81:cc:b6;
     option host-name "node08";

The entries for the IP address and MAC address (hardware ethernet).

Install package net-tools:

apt install net-tools

Find out the MAC address of your node:

ping -c 2 node08
arp -a

Take the MAC address and place it in file /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf for the hardware ethernet.

Restart the DHCP server:

systemctl restart isc-dhcp-server

12.8. Pull and build the VNFS container.

wwctl container import docker://ghcr.io/warewulf/warewulf-debian:12.0 warewulf-debian:12.0

Edit the container with the command below. Option --bind /:/mnt provides the local file system on the server as /mnt to the container:

wwctl container shell --bind /:/mnt warewulf-debian:12.0

Install editor nano and command less in the container:

apt update
apt install nano less

Copy the warefulf.conf from the system to the container. It is inneded for service winit on the warewulf client.

mkdir /usr/local/etc/warewulf/
cp /mnt/usr/local/etc/warewulf/warewulf.conf /usr/local/etc/warewulf/

Reset the root password with command


Give the password we usually use for our LXC containers.

Exit from the container:


12.9. Set up the default node profile.

wwctl profile set --yes --container warewulf-debian:12.0 "default"
wwctl profile set --yes --netdev eno1 "default"

Once those configurations have been set, you can view the changes by listing the profiles as follows:

wwctl profile list -a

12.10. Add a node

Adding nodes can be done while setting configurations in one command. Here we are setting the IP address of eno1 and setting this node to be discoverable, which will then automatically have the HW address added to the configuration as the node boots. Instead of node08, use your node name and its IP address.

wwctl node add node08 --ipaddr 
wwctl node set node08 --discoverable true

To make node changes effective

wwctl overlay build

The node should be bootable from the network now.

12.11. Booting the node from the network

  • Navigate your browser to the BMC of your node, for example https://bmc08. Use your node number please.

  • Login as the admin user.

  • In the menu, select Remote control and scroll down to iKVM/HTML5

  • Click on iKVM/HTML5. It will pop up the terminal for your node.

  • Use the virtual keyboard to reboot the node by selecting Ctrl-Alt-Del

  • At the BIOS bootup prompt, select F12

  • Wait until the system boots up into the warewulf image.

  • Login as root.

From your LXC container, try SSH to the node as user hostadm. You shouldn’t be able to because the network is not correctly configured on the node.